Q: What does your father do? What's your father's job/ work? 问:你父亲从事哪种行业?
Now that you understand each person's job and work load, consulting services can fill in gaps. 既然您已了解每个人的职责和工作量,咨询服务可以弥补不足。
In this step, you import metadata about this table into DataStage so that you can customize the job to work with this table. 在这一步中,将关于此表的元数据导入到DataStage,这样您可以使用此表定制作业。
Its a simple fact the more education youve got, the more likely you are to have a good job and work your way into the middle class. 很简单的事实,如果你接受的教育越多,你拥有好工作且成为中产阶级的几率就越大。
Temp jobs can be of value to a job seeker by giving that job seeker work experience in various tasks. 临时性工作对于一个求职者是很有价值的,能让求职者对各种工作任务都有经验。
Job objectives work best for two types of job seekers 求职目标对以下两种类型的求职者最有效
How would you like to put in full-time hours at your job, work hard to perform your job well, manage your household, and yet still spend time waiting in lines for general assistance and charity to pay for your basic expenses, including food and heat? 你喜欢全职工作吗,喜欢努力做好自己的工作吗,喜欢处理家务吗,还是喜欢排队等待一般救助和等待慈善机构来为你支付诸如食物和取暖之类的基本费用吗?
Being Confident In Your Work Hey, good for you, you're doing a great job at work! 自信满满神采飞扬如果你在工作中充满自信,那的确很好!
Of course, you can always make your current job work or decide that it is time to quit your job. 当然,你还可以经常决定什么时候跳槽。
My job ( work) is as a teacher. 我的职业(工作)是教师。
They have done an excellent job of work. 这活干得真地道。
I took this job to work with you, not cover your ass. 我接这个活是为了跟你一起工作,不是给你擦屁股的。
So if were too devoted to our job or work, meaning that we think about it all day, even during meditation, how do we balance this with meditation? 假如我们对工作太投入,整天都在想工作上的事,有时连打坐的时候也在想,像这种情况要如何取得平衡?
Can David foresee the end of the job work? 戴维能预知承揽工作的结果吗?
I never be afraid to find a job and work. 我从来不怕找工作和工作。
And I know you're working really hard to make this new job work. 我知道你真的很努力想把这份新的工作干好。
HIV-infected people in a long time and can be like normal people live, work, and they have not been infected with the same value in the job and work and enjoy the same rights as normal people. 艾滋病病毒感染者在很长一段时间内可以和正常人一样生活、工作,具有和他们未感染时同样的价值,在求职和工作中享有与正常人同样的权利。
It takes more than just showing up on time to do a good job at work. 表示做某事要花费多少的钱财,时间,精力。
In fact, the ideal of a liberal arts education, from a Western perspective, is to have nothing to do with what job you work in the future. 实际上,从西方的观点来看,理想的自由文理教育与你将来从事的工作毫无关联。
On the job work clothes and gloves are provided. 在上班时,还发给工作服和手套。
One wanted me to study hard, earn a degree and get a good job to work for money. 一个爸爸希望我努力学习,获得好成绩,找个挣钱多的好工作。
If you do a good job and work hard, you may get a job with a better company someday. 如果你努力工作,很有业绩,有一天你可能会在一家更好的公司找到一份工作。
When he gave up his regular job to work all day on his "horseless carriage," they were even more shocked, because the fords did not have much money, and the family was in real need. 后来福特放弃固定工作,整天摆弄他的“没有马的马车”,这就使街坊们更为惊讶了。因为福特夫妇手头拮据,经济是困难的。
They've done a fine job of work sewing these curtains. 他们把缝窗这项工作干得挺好。
We must do a good job in work related to agriculture, the rural areas and farmers, and solidify the foundation of agriculture. 要始终不渝地做好“三农”工作,巩固和加强农业基础。
Vessels sailing after the documents to help colleagues do a good job in work documents will be information to foreign agents. 船开航以后,协助单证部门的同事做好单证方面的工作,将资料发给国外代理。
In the future, I will take a job and work. 未来某日,我需要一份工作,而工作。那我起头学习怎样运作。
While sadly many people equate their job and work with drudgery and boredom, the secret to being successful is to find a job that you love. 虽然很多人总是喜欢把工作和乏味联系在一起,但成功的秘密却是要找到一个你喜欢的工作。